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The most important issue in using ICS equipment and installing similar systems in communication and telecommunication systems is the possibility of networking in different dimensions and integrated communication management from one point. Therefore, the ICS system is designed for direct communication with the maximum facilities and minimum time without considering the distance dimension to control and Direct command provides executive and operational teams .

After each marine accident ,the first place with which emergency communication is established the nearest naval reconnaissance center is in the area. The center is responsible for operations such as search and rescue, medical assistance, marine pollution prevention and maritime safety control of an area.

It can be said that the majority of goods in the world in terms of weight and volume are done by sea and ships. there are many accidents in the world’s waters every year, which result in casualties, economic damage and environmental pollution. Iran country has about 9022 km of water border in the north and south. Because our country has a unique geostrategic position, especially through the Persian Gulf, so many ships pass near our country, the study of our country’s maritime accidents and the statistics of survivors of these accidents during the years 1211 to 1252 are shown in the table below

ICS Features

Connect to existing wireless and transfer all radio features on the operator software such as making settings including changing channels, changing wireless power, sending and receiving voice messages and full access to wireless panel keys graphically.

Connection to analog and digital telephone lines (IP) with the possibility of dialing the phone as well as answering incoming calls through the ICS system operator software

Ability to generate analog and digital IP () line by the system switch with the ability to define the desired number and dial other lines generated in the system.

Possibility of generating hotline lines by ICS switch for instant and emergency voice communication in the command network.

Ability to produce intercom lines by voice with the ability to dial or non-dial directly with the command and operation of the system on the network platform.

Possibility of producing and connecting to paging systems in the form of outdoor and indoor speakers with different powers according to the definition of the center’s needs

Connection to various sensors and input data such as temperature, humidity, smoke and ….. sensors as well as serial based data and …..

Connect to systems and systems based on GSM and APN to receive all types of data and alarms sent by various sensors

Connection to local or enterprise mobile phone networks as well as mobile and mobile phone communications of the telecommunication company

Features and services of ICS system in ports

  • Ability to couple wireless communications connected to ICS switches with each other, such as wireless VHF to UHF connection for communication between submarines and air rescue systems
  • Ability of wireless couplings connected to the ICS system switch with all analog and digital telephone lines (IP) regardless of the type of wireless (PHONE PATCH)
  • Ability to connect to NAVTEX systems and display text messages on the ICS user panel
  • Ability to connect to wireless types with DSC Modem and provide information to the operator on the ICS software system
  • Display AIS information on the ICS operator panel
  • Ability to dial all elements connected to the ICS switch by FXS lines generated such as wireless dialing and voice communication with any of the desired radios
  • Recording and recording of all voice communications and events in the system, such as disconnection and connection Sound, input and output of operators from the software and ….
  • Ability to connect to previous systems in the VTS network, such as the system approved by the company’s SOFRELOG
  • Ability to connect and display information of different types of TERMA radars
  • Possibility of data fusion between input data from radars, DF and AIS equipment
  • Ability to control wireless and Unmanned systems
  • Possibility of wireless networking and all elements within the network and unit management such as wireless control and elements in the country’s ports from one point as a central command control unit