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Fatech Technology

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The software part of the system has been designed and produced taking into account the needs of command and control centers and in a completely graphical way. According to the existing systems, the software of this system has several user panels that include the following: The telecommunication panel is used to display and handle voice communications GIS panel is used to display the location of tools and machines as well as people. The POC panel is used for the integrated connection of the existing POC devices as well as the possibility of networking with the telecommunication department. VIDEO panel is used to display surveillance and control camera images. Sensors and alarms panel, which is used to display the status of environmental sensors and the status of alarms in the network.

Specifications and features of software

 • The Dispatching Software , which is available to the operator, should be extremely convenient and user-friendly, so that even users with the lowest work experience can use and operate the VCSS switch under any conditions .
• The ability to manage, monitor and apply updates on the central system is provided through the console, so that the system manager, in addition to being deployed at the user and operation location (while maintaining security considerations), can monitor the implementation and observe possible events and changes.
• The software is equipped with an automatic internal test and can monitor the system performance, various equipment and their communication all the time and if an error occurs in the system they will be recorded following informing the visual and audible alarms to the operators and Admin .
• All operations can be performed from the Radio panel, turning the device off and on, showing and being in the circuit by software from user consoles. (if new Radio networks are added, it can be implemented by providing the protocol). For external Radios such as R&S, whose protocols are not available, there is only the possibility of voice communication and turning the device off or on. For GM338, IM800 and DMR Radio, in addition to voice communication, it is also possible to change the channel or most included functions.
• It is possible to increase operator consoles remotely .
• It is possible to increase radio, telephone, and hotline channels on the VCSS switch.
Software specifications:
• Client-server architecture (self service)
• Physical removal of the server Multi-layer architecture (5 layers)
• Modular software implementation and display based on access levels
• User friendly design
• Localized style software of reputable foreign companies
• Multi-platform (Windows – Linux)
The software can be installed on any version of Windows XP or higher and Linux.
• No limit on the number of software operator consoles.
• The possibility of sending data and messages as TEXT through the same communication panel
• The user can communicate with all internal and urban lines and radio lines through the operator console software.
• The console software has the ability to communicate with all internal, urban, hotline, and radio lines connected to the system at the same time and can keep these lines in call waiting mode (HOLD) and at the same time as the operator of each console wants. It can forward one of the lines to another console.
• Through the console and phone lines, the user can have the ability to create a phone-to-radio coupler (Phone Patch) in HF, UHF, and VHF frequencies without reducing the quality of communication.
• Through the console, the user can create a radio-to-radio coupler (Radio Patch) and also have the possibility of establishing a conference call between several radios in HF, UHF, and VHF frequencies without reducing the quality of communication.
• The software has ID-Caller for standard urban and domestic lines.
• Equipped with software keys for selecting radio and telephone channels individually and in groups, Mute, RX, TX, and radio-to-radio coupling. • It is possible to mute the ringtone of all telephone channels.
• Display Select (Busy) and PTT of a radio is in another position.
• The display of the settings made on the selected radio is available in other positions.
• Different users with different access levels can log-in.