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Tracking suspicious objects in the sky
Due to the rapid development of technology in the field of airborne, many companies in this field began to produce micro-birds with unique capabilities. Capabilities that have greatly reduced the presence of humans today. For example, in the past, airplanes were used to spray the farm, but today this possibility can be implemented by micro-birds or quadcopters, so that the human presence in this process has become less prominent.
Also, the development and progress of these micro-birds has created the opportunity for their producers to be able to use these micro-birds for surveillance in wide environments. This capability means that it has made things like surveillance, protection and monitoring easier, but it has created threats for organizations and bodies for which privacy is especially important, because this micro-bird due to its size The very small ones they have can enter these areas away from human eyes. Also, the real-time presence of humans in vast environments can be considered as impossible, which can waste the power and cost of organizations in the long run.
Parallel to the progress of the development of airborne products, the advancement of artificial intelligence has made it possible to prevent this type of threats and to provide an optimal solution
instead of using humans to be present in large areas. Today, artificial intelligence allows humans to recognize objects and even classify them.
Aircraft detection through satellite images
For this reason, advanced artificial intelligence algorithms give the ability to the developers of suspicious object detection systems in the sky to increase the accuracy and performance of their systems against this type of threats and to be able to use this system in very wide environments. use
In short, due to the increasing growth of micro-bird production for various purposes, threats have been created for private and government organizations or those who care about protecting their lands. Flying object detection systems using advanced algorithms of artificial intelligence gave the developers the ability to improve their system based on these algorithms and to prevent sensitive lands and environments from being challenged.
At Fatech, we believe that our experts should be constantly upgrading their knowledge. For this purpose, we have asked them to consider the appropriate time for studying and researching and upgrading their technical knowledge, and in addition, with the common-mindedness of our other business partners, we have shared the latest achievements in order to use it for the satisfaction of our loyal customers.